
What to Expect, When? Guidance to your child's learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Providing Support for children with SEND - our Local Offer

Narrowing the Gap

Cohort Summary 2023

Keeping your Children Safe Online

Ofsted's Role in Regulating Childcare

Nursery Education Funding and the Early Years Pupil Premium

Funded Twos information

Seedlings Children’s Centre, Sawston

Pre-school Learning Alliance

NSPCC Pants Campaign

Duxford C of E Community Primary School

Duxford Village Website

50 Things To Do Before you're 5

Advice for Families going through Divorce

Womens Aid

Starting school or education is a wonderful and exciting time. To help families prepare for this transition (change), local NHS healthcare professionals have created an online health questionnaire that can be your ‘Getting Ready for Change’ checklist. This is for all children who will be reception aged. It covers lots of points from hearing and eyesight through to emotional health and behaviour. It also provides links to approved information and support.

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